News — blog_post
Eco-Friendly Range
blogpost blog_post eco-friendy ecofriendly ecofriendly_toy

Introducing our Eco-Friendly Range! We have slowly been releasing our eco range throughout the year, you may have already seen our new Eco Elephants and new floral collection. However, you might not have seen it recently but we have introduced our new eco dinosaurs to the clan! These come in various colours: Blue, Brown, Grey and Green, these little guys make the perfect buddy for your little man! Now, we do sell a very special eco-friendly baby toy, he doesn’t get as much love as our beloved floral bunnies but he is extremely cute nevertheless. He is even musical! Who...
Top 10 Baby Names for 2021
babynames baby_names baby_name_ideas baby_name_inspiriation baby_name_inspo blog_content blog_post newbornbabynames New_baby new_baby_boy New_baby_girl new_born_baby_name new_born_baby_names

World Safety and Health Day #SHWDAY
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It’s always important to revise safety and health in the work place, and what better day to do so! Today is World Day for Safety & Health, now more than ever it is crucial we are following the guidelines for being safe and healthy at work especially due to COVID! But COVID isn’t what I want to talk about today, I think I can say for everyone here that I am SO bored of hearing about it now. If you have ever had any sort of soft toy or certain products, you might’ve realised it has a tag with the...
Earth Day 2021
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Happy Earth Day 2021 everyone! The picture above is a photo of a Green Turtle with tumours over it's neck and face. I unfortunately saw exactly this on my trip to Mexico in 2019. My tour guide told me these tumours are triggered due to a change in their environment for example, coral reefs dying and pollution which absolutely broke my heart.
Obviously, it is not just green turtles that have to suffer, so many more species do. This really hit home how many more animals were suffering from climate change every single day unfortunately will suffer from climate change every single day and will continue to do so if we don’t change something.
This is your sign to do something different today and help the earth! Get out there and start to take action!